Our 2 1/2 year process in the wonderful world of adoption is complete! Long KeYue has a forever family and is now Matthew James George Lindner [Matthew (Gift of God) James/George (Allosso/Lindner Grandfathers) Lindner]. We traveled to ChangSha, his birth city, to finalize the adoption. It has been an exciting and tiring week.
We arrived on Sunday afternoon after a short plane trip. Hunan province is southeast of Shaanxi province where we live. Our appointment with Civil Affairs wasn't until Tuesday morning, so, what do you do with a 3 year old, 2 fourteen year old daughters, and a 23 year old daughter until then? We hung out at the pool, found Metro (store with foreign food), went for a run on the treadmill in the health club (Jenna & me ~ because we don't run enough chasing Matthew, not), the girls did some homeschooling, and we crashed for the night pretty early.
First thing Tuesday we headed for the Civil Affairs office. We filled out mounds of paperwork and signed each and every one, went through an interview with a government officer in charge of international adoptions, sat for our "official family photo", unloaded all of the cash that we were VERY nervous carrying around to pay for the notary & orphanage donation. We also met a nice family from France who were adopting a little girl.
Filling out paperwork |
Interview |
Matthew's hand print makes it official! |
Notarized Certificate of Adoption |
Walking home from Civil Affairs |
Wednesday we did a little sightseeing. Since we have been living in China for so long, we are very comfortable getting around on our own and opted not to use a tour guide. The history museum (my pick) was closed for renovations so Tangerine Island it was! It is famous for the gigantic statue of Chairman Mao's head when he was a young lad. He went to school and worked here and frequented the island in the hot summer. Anyway, the island was pretty, it is spring now in China and everything was starting to blossom. Nice for us because Xi'an is still quite cold.

Thursday was our visit to Matthew's orphanage (thankfully one that he was only in for 3 months because that's when we began fostering him). We were able to meet with the Director of the ChangSha Social Welfare Institution, the Director of the Medical Division, and visited the Butterfly Hospice (http://www.butterflych.org/). They are an amazing organization that provides palliative care for orphans. Check out their page to read about what they do. The director invited us to stay for lunch and they spoiled us with delicious food in the cafeteria! Emma especially enjoyed the double-boiled frog! (she was the only one in our family who did!)
Staff from the orphanage treated us to lunch. Two of which have been to our home in Xi'an on multiple occasions. The man in front of Rick is the man who brought Matthew to us 3 1/2 years ago. |
The director of the Changsha SWI |
We head home tomorrow (Friday) after we receive Matthew's passport. Hotel life isn't for us, we are very ready to head home!
So very, very grateful to be finished and that Matthew can now travel outside of the country! We just love this little boy!
~ Cheryl
They have had it with pictures for the day. |
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