The mountain air was beautiful. The sky was clear and blue, a rare sight in the city, and it was much cooler. Cutting through the mountain was a long, shallow river that only added to the beauty of the atmosphere. It
was like the rest of the scenery - beautiful, clear, and cool. Some people were fishing in its torrents; Emma tried a bit herself using a little net, but succeeded only in catching ridiculously tiny ones. A certain frog she and I attempted multiple times to catch continually succeeded in escaping.
Emma looking for fish |
The river was clear and cold |
The hotel seemed to be a family-run business. When we would leave our room at night all the lights were out, just as if we were at home. If we hadn't yet had dinner, the staff would knock on our door to see if we wanted some. One night we even had dinner in the lobby, with the whole staff watching us and their dogs running around the table.
Dinner in the lobby |
Peacocks were the hotel greeters |
Emma crossing a sketchy bridge |
[Abby] Look at that last picture. So calm. So elegant. So alluring. Yet it's so simple. The tips of mountains, darkened by a shadow as a result of a non-existent sun, scraping a sharp blue sky. A sky painted with quick, soft strokes of white paint that form clouds that meet the mountains. It's not the best picture quality, not the best picture, but it still conveys so much. :D