Two notable events occurred for the Lindner family on November 11, 2010: Emma turned eleven and Matthew became a part of our family as we began to foster him. At the time, we believed the arrangement was only temporary, that this relationship would be setting Matthew up to become the official member of another family. Our assumptions were that we were only fostering him. Yet, here we find ourselves near the end of a long process to adopt our wonderful little guy.
Quick Facts
Favorite form of transportation: subway
Favorite snack: peanuts and cheese sticks
Favorite food: noodles
Least favorite food: vegetables (surprise, surprise)
Favorite drink: chocolate milk
Favorite word: Why?
Favorite phrase: (enter name), what're you doin' here?
Favorite TV show: Super Why!
Favorite pastime: washing dishes (seriously)
As of a couple weeks ago, Matthew was introduced to the Christmas classic, Frosty the Snowman. I'm not sure if the story interests him so much as the song that it inspired. Here's Matthew's version of the song:
Frosty the snowman was a jopsy happy coal
With a corn-cup pipe and a button nose
And two eyes make of coal
At Metro (supermarket nearby, similar to Costco), Christmas music has been playing. The other day, the Frosty song began to play. Matthew stood up in our carriage and, at the top of his little lungs, began belting out the words. While he was singing a small crowd formed around our carriage. Unfazed, Matthew continued to sing. Everyone was smiling, laughing, and a couple people even clapped. One Chinese lady approached us and, in broken English, inquired as to whether he would also be performing the next song.
This is just another way he makes us laugh everyday.
I don't believe we've mentioned Matthew's preschool before, so now seems an appropriate time to do so. He has been attending a nearby center since September. Nearby as in, get outside, walk for about two minutes within our courtyard, turn left, turn left again, and boom, you're there. From ten to twelve each Tuesday and Thursday, Matthew attends a little place called the Lighthouse Center. With a semester gone by, his academic progress is super. His teacher made a point last week to mention his wonderful progress. According to her report, he now actually participates in class, listens to the teacher, and understands more.
The Matthew-Zachary relationship has been rocky.

In the beginning, jealousy kept Matthew from sharing his parents with Zachary, like he was afraid Zach would take them. Now, Matthew acts like his big brother. He cares for Zach, getting him toys, attempting to feed him, and all. They get along like brothers, and they fight like brothers. Mostly over toys. Overall, Matthew truly loves Zachary.
This is just another way he makes us laugh everyday.
I don't believe we've mentioned Matthew's preschool before, so now seems an appropriate time to do so. He has been attending a nearby center since September. Nearby as in, get outside, walk for about two minutes within our courtyard, turn left, turn left again, and boom, you're there. From ten to twelve each Tuesday and Thursday, Matthew attends a little place called the Lighthouse Center. With a semester gone by, his academic progress is super. His teacher made a point last week to mention his wonderful progress. According to her report, he now actually participates in class, listens to the teacher, and understands more.
The Matthew-Zachary relationship has been rocky.
In the beginning, jealousy kept Matthew from sharing his parents with Zachary, like he was afraid Zach would take them. Now, Matthew acts like his big brother. He cares for Zach, getting him toys, attempting to feed him, and all. They get along like brothers, and they fight like brothers. Mostly over toys. Overall, Matthew truly loves Zachary.